How to Move the Needle

Have you ever been asked the question, "what are you doing to move the needle?" I've always liked it because it makes big things seem possible by small actions. If we just keep doing a few seemingly tiny things on a regular basis, our goals can be achieved. It makes it all seem less daunting, don't you think?

These actions could be anything - writing a blog post, going for a short walk to clear your head, reaching out to a former colleague, asking for a LinkedIn recommendation, etc. They all help "move the needle" toward progress with your goals.

How does this apply to photography? I would argue that having high-quality, on-brand photos at hand for those posts, head shot requests, and website updates is a big way to move that needle. Even just getting your face/product/process out there and ready for potential clients to find is going to yield results in a big way.

If this is something you could use, let's chat! I would love to help you brainstorm and see how we can move the needle together. 😊


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Life Lately + Summer of Photos